Morgellons, Mites, and Skin Problems
"When I was having issues with Mites, Skin Problems and Morgellons Disease I cleaned the air, skin, body and cloths. I looked upon the illness like it was a bug/bacteria/fungus problem and it went away. Below is what I used."
Diane Olive, Author of Natural Ways For Healing Mites & Morgellons, and Think Before You Eat.
The following will explain how to use each product:
For The Skin: Use Gene's NM Extra Strength Soothing Cream for the entire body and Oregano Oil for spots on the skin that have bites, itchy, irritated, peeling or are sore. Oregano Oil has to be diluted with a carrier oil like olive oil due to being so strong. The oregano oil is in the perfect ratio of olive oil and oregano. Gene's NM Extra Strength Soothing Cream is now available for purchase at:
Bathing in salt (All Salts are good) or Himalayan Salt (My favorite). Add something to purify the bath water, like Sunrider veggie rinse or a few drops of natural oils. I would use bathing glove balled up to scrub my skin with soap. Soak for one hour.
A tiger balm for vibrations on the skin, Sunriders Sun Breeze Balm.
For The Air: Aroma Ace Diffuser goes with the Mountain Air Cedar Oil- The Aroma Ace diffuser goes down to three micron and with the cedar oil may help to get rid of mites, bacteria and mold in the air. The little machine can be operated night and day. It has a timer on it to go on for 20 minutes and off for 20 minutes. Do not turn the Aroma Ace Diffuser upside down or it will break the machine.
Also, the Aroma Glass Light Diffuser is to be used with the Menthol Crystals. This is to be used only when no one is occupying the room. Air out room afterwards by opening windows then enter. The Menthol Crystals are derived from Peppermint and are really strong.
Hair: Tea Tree Special shampoo. Also diluting oregano oil with olive oil and soaking the scalp overnight and then shampooing out the next day.
Vitamins And Herbs: Building the body's Glutathione was really helpful. I like the product Max GXL, Max One, Cats claw extract by Now company, Core Artemisia Blend, Nutrana Silver, Opaline Dry Oxy, Veganenzymes and Florabiotic. Click here for our Herbs and Supplement products.
Diet: Greens, Greens, Greens, Lots of salads, steamed vegetables and fresh green juices. Eat one piece of fruit a day in the morning on a empty stomach. Avoid sugar, GMO foods and too much fruit. Eat nuts, seeds, legumes and grains in small amounts.
Fabric, Flooring, Furniture and Pillows: The NM Orange Clean 16oz bottle can be put into one gallon of water. Then put 1 cup of the diluted mixture into washer and add your detergent for fabrics.
Use the Dyson Animal Vacuum due to the powerful motor that sucks up mites and dirt.
For Pillows, Sweaters and Jackets use a large plastic container with a couple of one oz bags of Menthol Crystals. Put one bag of Menthol Crystals in all drawers. If the Menthol Crystals get onto the clothing you might have to wash again.
Furniture: sprinkle Menthol Crystals on the side of cushions and underneath cushions.
Bed: Place a solid plastic sealed material around the box spring and mattress. This can be found at stores that carry bedding supplies. Do not buy the mite protection it does not work for this tiny mite. What works is a solid plastic sealed material. Then duck tape the zipper so no mites can get out. Wash sheets and blankets everyday until problem is gone.
Infrared Light- If having problems with cold hands and pain in my feet. The infrared light heating pads or saunas are excellent for putting the inner heat back into the body and soothing aching bones. This illness can drop the bodies temperature.
Car: Use the Menthol Crystals, placed in a small old plastic container without a top. Then put the car in the sun to melt the crystals. Let the menthol crystals sit for 2 hours or until evaporated. Then take out container before entering car and open windows. Also Protective is a product consisting of 6 natural oils and it can be placed in a small car diffuser for cleaning the air.
If you have any questions, send an email to:
Disclaimer: The information provided for these products is for educational purposes only.
It does not constitute medical or professional advice and is not intended for diagnosis, treatment, prevention or cure of diseases.